Wednesday, 2 August 2017

7 new trends that are shaping the health and fitness landscape

2017 has been a tremendous year for health and wellness. Technology has pervaded the wellness landscape and provided fitness enthusiasts with all the tools they need to achieve their wellness dreams. This year has also seen the rise of several new and unusual trends that are shaping the health and fitness landscape. Here are a few fads that you may want to try out this year.
Cool yourself with cryotherapy
Cryotherapy has exploded in the fitness scene over the past couple of years with new cryoclinics opening doors all over North America. For the uninitiated, cryotherapy is a technique where users enter a cryogenic chamber and allow their bodies to be exposed to very low temperatures of around -200 to -250 Fahrenheit. You will not be allowed to wear heavy clothing either.
The point is to expose your cells to the cold in the hope that it activates receptors and releases endorphins. Don’t worry about freezing to death yet because the sauna is in a controlled environment and participants will only need to be in the chamber for one to three minutes depending on their tolerance. For a one minute session, they are pricey too with a $45 price tag attached.
Giving new life to ugly vegetables
It is no secret that a lot of food in America goes to waste every year. And most of the times, the reason for wastage is ridiculous like – the carrots are not the right shade of orange or the potatoes are not good looking. To combat this crusade against ugly vegetables, several restaurants have cropped up across the US that serve delicious food made exclusively from these ugly vegetables.
Some of the unique menu items offered include rejected carrot mustard, yesterday’s oatmeal and off-grade sweet potatoes. And what’s more – the food at these establishments are cheap selling, in some cases, for 1$ or lesser. Give these vegetable ugly ducklings the chance to become a beautiful swan. The next time you go to Whole Foods or your local market, try and pick perfectly good vegetables that are blemished and do your bit to help food waste problem in the US.
The Keto Diet
You’ve probably heard of the paleo diet but have you heard of the keto diet. This is the latest and one of the most searched wellness trends this year. The ketogenic diet or keto diet aims to provide all your body’s energy needs through high fat and no card meals. While it may have resurfaced in recent years, this is not a new trend. Doctors have long suggested the keto diet for people with Alzheimer’s and people with neurological disorders.

 Infrared Saunas
Infrared Saunas in contrast to cryogenic chambers use a type infrared heat wave to heat the body up. Unlike traditional saunas where temperatures can go up to 210 Fahrenheit, infrared saunas can do the job in as low as 120 to 140 Fahrenheit. It is like sitting inside a microwave except that instead of microwaves, the heat wave used is infrared. This technique is extensively used in hospitals in incubation machinery. The benefits of this type of sauna include relaxed muscles and joints and a pleasant relaxation.
Health and Wellness Utopia
What started with health and wellness retreat has now grown into health and wellness tourism with several boutique agencies cropping up across the US. These “travel agents” will help you plan a travel across the world whether it is for a spiritual journey or to rejuvenate your body.
Boutique Group Training
Whether you are a CrossFit, SoulCycle or PureBarre enthusiast, these boutique training groups have cropped up all over the country and are the new fad in fitness. Besides providing much needed motivation through group workouts, these trainings also specialize in specific techniques that will help spruce up your fitness routine.
Wellness at Work
What was once work and play has now become workplay. A few years ago, offices started opening gyms but now a whole new trend of working out while you are working has emerged. And employers are supporting this trend more than ever! Employers have begun to realize that a healthy employee is more productive and have started creating programs that reward working out and losing weight.

3 weight training exercises that you need to do today for the perfect killer body

Whether you are looking to lose weight or looking to build up muscle, weight training is the way to go. While cardio burns more calories per minute, weight training is demonstrably better at burning fat. Doing excessive cardio might negatively affect your muscle mass while weight training almost always targets your fat tissue and will help you fit into those skinny jeans better.
While weight training typically targets a specific part of the body, to get that symmetrical look and to build muscle mass, it is necessary to do exercises that target the entire body. Following are 3 weight training exercises that target the upper arms and thighs and will help you get into shape faster than any cardio exercise and just in time for the swim season!
Tone Your Thighs with Barbell Squat
The quintessential squat is the go-to exercise that targets almost the entire lower half of your body. You can take it up a notch with the Barbell Squat that targets the Quads and the Sartorius muscle simultaneously.
·         Target Areas: Outer and Inner Thighs
·         How to do it: Place barbell across the shoulders and stand with your feet apart. The feet should be slightly wider than shoulder distance and turned outwards at a small degree. Then bend with your knees and hips and lower yourself as much as possible towards the floor. Lift yourself back up with knees in the same position. That is one rep.
·         Suggested Reps & Sets: For beginners, 2 sets of 10 reps each and for advanced lifters, 4 sets of 15 reps each.
·         Pro Tip: Beginners often make the mistake of placing the barbell across their necks instead of shoulder resulting in injury.
Go Sleeveless with this Bicep Curl
The bicep curl is one of the easiest exercises that can be done using dumbbells and provides noticeable results in as little as a week.
·         Target Areas: Upper Arms (Bicep Muscle)
·         How to do it: Choose a weight that you can lift comfortably and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a weight in each hand and slowly bend your elbows to bring the weights toward your shoulder. Lower your arms slowly back to the starting position. Feel the weight course through your upper arms. That is one rep.
·         Suggested Reps & Sets: For beginners, 2 sets of 15 reps each and for advanced lifters, 4 sets of 20 reps each. Weights can be between 3-8 lbs for beginners and 8-12 lbs for advanced lifters.
·         Pro Tip: Beginners often make the mistake of lowering their hands too fast. It is important to remember that the curl is only complete when the hand is lowered slowly. Doing it quickly will not only decrease the benefits of the exercise but may also result in injury
Slim down your arm jiggle with this Overhead Tricep Extension
One of the most frustrating experience for women is the difficult to get rid of arm jiggle under and behind the arm. With this overhead triceps extension, get rid of it as quickly as you gain it!
·         Target Areas: Back of the arm (Triceps)
·         How to do it: Choose a weight that you can lift comfortably and sit upright on a chair or bench with one dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arm upwards towards the ceiling and keep them close to your head. Bend only your elbows and bring the dumbbell behind your head until you can feel it on your back. Straighten your arms slowly and bring it back upwards towards the ceiling.  That is one rep.
·         Suggested Reps & Sets: Being with 1 set of 10 reps each and as you begin gaining strength move up to 4 sets of 10 reps each. Weights can be between 2-5 lbs for beginners and 8-12 lbs for advanced lifters.

·         Pro Tip: When lowering the weight behind the back, do not rely on gravity to do the job. The trick is to perform the movement in a controlled manner. You should feel the pressure in your triceps as you dip the dumbbell behind you.

Three High Intensity Interval Training Regimens to Shred Fat

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT has exploded in the fitness business in recent years. It is particularly useful for young professional who are crunched for time and need a quick and efficient way to perform workouts. HIIT is a form of exercise where you alternate between fast paced high intensity workouts with periods of rest.
Most HIIT training regimens don’t last more than 30 minutes at a time and have been proven to continue burning calories even after the workout has ended. Imagine that! You are literally burning calories as you are sitting, showering or driving your car.
Before we get down to the actual techniques, it is important to understand a few key terms that will be useful as you start upping your regimen.
·         Intensity: This determines the percentage of your energy you are using to perform the training. Ideally during HIIT training, you should be exercising at roughly 90% intensity. For example, if you are a car, intensity is the speed of the car and you should be working out at your maximum speed.
·         Interval Time: This refers to the period of rest between two workouts or two sets. Ideally, the ratio between the workout and the rest period is 1:1 which means for every one minute of intense workout, you take one minute of rest. Advanced users can do workouts at 1:0.5 while beginners may perform at a ratio of 1:2.
·         Sets: This refers to the number of workouts within a HIIT regimen. As mentioned above each period of workout or set will be separated by an interval time. Usually, HIIT training has no defined number of sets per exercise. You are required to do as much as possible for as long as it is possible for you to exercise.
The following three HIIT regimens are recommended during the cutting phase of your body. So, if you are looking to build muscle mass these are not the right techniques for you.
The Tabata Regimen
Named after the Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata, this regimen is designed for all out activity for a few seconds followed by a period of rest and then repeating the sequence for at least four minutes or until you can keep doing it.
·         How To: Get on a traditional gym cycle and increase the resistance until it is just a little above your exercise threshold. Make sure to set a timer and cycle as fast as you can.
·         Workout Time: 20 seconds per set
·         Interval Time:  10 seconds of rest
·         Sets: 8 sets or until 4 minutes for beginners.

The Gibala Regimen
Canadian professor and researcher Michael Gibala is the man after whom this exercise regimen has been named. This regimen is designed for those who may have lead a sedentary lifestyle and are trying to ease their way back into a healthy lifestyle. And best of all, it doesn’t have a defined exercise. You can choose to perform whichever cardio exercise (running, biking, swimming etc.,) you want
·         How To: Before commencing this regimen, take care to warm up for at least three minutes. This may consist of stretching exercise to allow your body to acclimatize to the intensive workout. Then choose any cardio workout you like and start doing it.
·         Workout Time: 60 seconds of workout operating at your maximum intensity
·         Interval Time:  75 seconds of rest
·         Sets: 10 to 12 repetitions
The Zuniga Regimen
Named after Jorge Zuniga, this regimen has been found to have the highest VO2 consumption. Which means that the oxygen intake and metabolism is the highest with this regimen.
·         How To: This exercise is best done on an exercise bicycle that is set to most comfortable resistance. When you are ready start pedalling the bike as fast as possible.
·         Workout Time: 30 seconds of maximum intensity
·         Interval Time:  30 seconds of rest
·         Sets: 5-10 repetitions

Remember several studies have irrevocably demonstrated that those who are active tend to stay healthy and alive longer. The only reason most people do not adopt a healthy lifestyle is because they are short of time. With High Intensity Interval Training regimens above that is no longer the case and you can achieve great fitness in a small amount of time.

Surprising facts Why you need to use Dog Collars

The most basic dog supply among others is the collar; therefore, it is not surprising that it possesses a fascinating and rich history. Egyptians used dog collars for decoration and identification purposes. The ancient Greece farmers used dog collars with spines to protect their throats from being ripped up by the wolves. In modern era, there are various reasons for using these collars. It can be used for controlling them or for making they look fashionable. After all, in the age where everyone is so obsessed about looking good. It’s not uncanny to see something being made for human’s favorite pet.
 Ability to identify tags plus medication tips is usually put on their collar. They are very beneficial for controlling the dog yourself, since they offer a handle for grabbing. Collars are most times utilized in concurrence with a leash. The dog harness is a perfect option to collars; but in terms of popularity, wide use, and benefits, collars are commonly used for teaching and guiding dogs. In this article, you will discover important facts about collars and why you need to use the Dog collar.

Facts about dog’s collars that shows their relevance:
They have historical background:
You may be surprise that something as simple as a collar have interesting and surprising history. Yes, its use goes way back to the fashion collars that were initially used by Egyptians. The first is an ornate collar, the well thought-out use was to adorn the dog’s neck as oppose to holding down the animal was connected to the Ancient Egypt in the pre-Dynastic periods. They were made from precious metals and leathers.

Herding period in ancient Greek:
During the ancient herding period in Greek; historians confirms when dogs were utilized for herding. They wear collars on dog’s neck with hefty spikes that branch out from the neck. Because the role of the dogs was to secure the life of herds from prospective predators like the dog itself, the collar prevent the wolf from snacking on the dog’s neck (as they were also vulnerable to the wolf too).

Middle ages use of padlocks:
During the middle ages, the use of padlock collars could confirm ownership at the time. Prior to the time of identification or rabies tag, dog owners are able to prove by putting a big padlock on the collar to ensure no one has the key to it except them.

When did the licensing and collars actually start?
Another interesting fact about collar is that licensing and collars started during the Renaissance; a period when wealth was equally divided and many people can now own pets; hence the use of collar and licensing was introduced.

Reasons why you need dog collars:
From the above historical fact it shows that using dog collar is very important to the dog and the owner as well. But you may want to know, what are actually the reasons why you should use restraining tools like the martingale collar for your dog?

You dog is safe, it cannot slip free easily:
The use of matingale collar as well as other types makes it a challenge for your dog to slip-free from your hand. Most dogs can easily sneak free from their collar conveniently than others, depending on the outline of their neck and the texture of their hair compared to the head. So to avoid the incident of a dog suddenly slipping out of its collar, use a collar.

 Excellent training tool:
If the dog pulls on the leash, the collar tightens a little, but not tight enough to choke or harm the neck of your dog in any way. Should you favor giving your dog little pull on the leash during giving leach training manners, the dog collar is a wonderful option for you.
The tendency for your dog to pull free while learning leaching manners is high, ensure therefore that their collar is securely in-place during the training.

Some collars like the martingale is stylish:
Using martingale collar is a wonderful way to secure your dog in a trendy way. They come in varieties of colors and types, so you can discover the right way for your dog to look unique and stylish.

Avoid using your dog:
If the collar is properly utilized, most dogs don’t bother about collars or leaches, as a matter of fact they love them. It is easy to handle, train guide, and protect your dog during exercises and other activities.

You have the potential of saving your dog’s life with the collar:
You can save the life of your dog if you use the right collar size for them. For example, bigger dogs need collars with extensive width, while smaller dogs need smaller collars.
In spite of the many stories of dogs finding their way home when missing, it is definitely not the norm. Possessing a misplaced dog is a heart tugging ordeal hence why using dog collar is a necessity.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

What Is Email Processing System? These surprising truths will shock you

Email processing does not require any logical reasoning or mathematical operation to execute. You also do not have to process any technical data, but simply read and sort out simple text emails. Thanks to technology, regular system users can now make their living from home by means of an online connection, executing simple tasks such as freelance writing, typing, and internet auctioning. On the other hand, it is quite easy to be enticed into a potential home job business with no trouble, but you need to take caution to avoid paying for scam offers. What is email processing system? Is it real? These and many other questions will be answered in this article.
What exactly is an email processing task?
Email processing job is defined as an internet wok which has to do with reading emails delivered to you, handing it out according to the set-up and sending it to the given email contact. Usually, it is typical to receive multiple emails in your email box every day. Your task will be to read the messages and sort it out as per instructions provided. One issue you need to know is that the email contact where the treated emails will be delivered is pre-written at all times. Therefore, sending the processed emails will not be a problem for you.
How easy is the task?
Sorting out mails as earlier mentioned is not a science nor does it require a lot of technical operations; on the other hand, it is very easy requiring very fundamental know-how of English writing and reading.
The mail processing system: why system?
Email processing system is a set infused into the whole processing task to make a program. It involves creating a platform complete with guides and other facilitating resources required to make the whole task a success. In many cases, people or companies that offer a system for email processing request for a fee for their service, while some don’t.
How does the email processing system work?
Prior to touching the major point of this discussion, perhaps the first significant aspect to observe is that the program comes with a coaching kit where necessary information about it is offered. It contains guides, promotion tips, etc about the program. Therefore, a typical system works when you have paid your subscription fee, after which you will be welcomed into the system as a subscriber or a member. Depending on the website offering the service, you will start making money in three steps, and they are revealed below.
First step:
The first step that a member will have to observe before he or she starts earning is to establish a system processing website. This step is actually very easy especially for people with coding/design skills. The reason is that the information/data is basically text based. On the other hand, if you would like to dispense with the coding hurdle, you can ask the company for help; this of course will attract an additional fee.
Second step:
The second step is to proceed to making payment. Different websites with their peculiar service charge; however, the typical fee obtainable is around $25, which will also make up your commission. The methods of payment used are usually Payza and PayPal.
Third step:
This step involves the ad posting proper. The company’s site asserts you will post certain number of ads daily. To help you achieve success in this step, they offer a relatively exhaustive resource including already written tutorials, info about where to share the offers, best sites for the traffic, how to post, promoting techniques, headline suggestion, etc.
After reading through the guidelines, you will proceed to post in classified ad sites.  If anyone read your ads and opts to subscribe you will automatically become their sponsor and can earn a commission after the prospect make payment through your referral link.
Are you really processing mails?
From the description of the whole email processing stuff, it is clear that the program isn’t really about processing email; more like advertising a product/service and getting commission for it. So, in actual fact, the program name is misleading and deceptive as it creates a false impression of a program. Does this therefore mean email processing system isn’t feasible? How real is it?
Is email processing real?
The online operation can be likened to a sea of information with a mix of genuine and fake information. Indeed there are multiple fake internet offers that promise overnight success. The people behind it say their offers can make you rich within a blink of an eye and in exchange they demand money in return of allowing prospect to access the program. Because it isn’t possible to become wealthy overnight, just like that, makes this email process offer fake. Moreover, the fact that by using the word “emails processing” as a cover to hide the real deal which is to post ads and get paid after making sales is a deceptive move.

However, it is fallacious to say all email processing system or jobs are shams; you need to conduct your due diligence before joining any of these programs. There are infect many companies offering genuine email processing opportunity; you just have to search hard.