Sleep is essential
for proper functioning of the body. During this period of inactivity, the body
goes to an anabolic state that helps regulate and maintain several important
body organs including the muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. Aside from that, it
also restores your mental faculties which is why you feel refreshed and well
rested after a good night’s sleep.
However, insomnia can
be a real problem for several people. Whether you stay up late with your
gadgets or watch TV late into the night, insomnia can be difficult to manage
especially if you must go to work the next morning. The following 8 techniques
will help you fall asleep faster.
Put away all
Repeat this mantra to
yourself – ‘No gadgets after 9 PM’. It has been scientifically proven that
gadgets on the bedside are a strict no-no. The light from the gadgets tricks
your brain into thinking that it is still daytime and therefore the brain never
powers down. Putting away all gadgets at least a couple of hours before bedtime
will ensure that your brain has enough time to power down slowly.
Develop a
The key to a good
night’s sleep is to develop a routine and stick with it. Our bodies are
designed with an internal clock and it is important to keep functioning per the
clock and not changing your habits every day.
A research on children shows that developing a bedtime routine not only
helps children fall asleep faster, they also stay asleep longer with lower
nightly wake ups.
appropriate food
During dinner, it is
essential to have food that will help you sleep. Do not eat heavily during
dinner as metabolism can take longer. Avoid spicy foods that could potentially
cause heartburn. Do not eat a lot of carbohydrates or sugary foods just before
bed time as it could give a burst of energy that will prevent you from sleeping
Take a bath
During sleep the body
temperature lowers naturally. It is possible to mimic this natural phenomenon
by taking a bath. Remember to take a warm bath instead of a cold bath or you
will find yourself wide awake instead of fast asleep.
Try the 4-7-8
The 4-7-8 is a
breathing technique invented and popularized by Dr. Andrew Weil. This technique
is simple and involves breathing in for a mental count of four, holding your
breath for a count of seven and exhaling for a count of eight. Note that the
numbers are not four seconds or four minutes but rather your mental count of
four. Dr.Weil demonstrated that this technique helps men and women of all ages
go to sleep.
Scent your
Scent your room with
a scent that is pleasant such as lavender or camomile. A study published in
Chronobiology International found that aromatherapy benefits young men and
women and helps them sleep soundly. All study participants reported higher
vigour and energy in the morning.
Keep your
bedroom cool & dark
It is important to
keep your bedroom cool and dark. The temperature recommended by researchers
suggests 60F as the ideal temperature to fall asleep. Several people also have
the habit of watching TV as they fall asleep. Research shows that this is an
extremely destructive way to sleep and will not benefit you in the long run.
Therefore, make sure that TV, laptops and phones are left outside the bedroom
Think about
your day
Go over your day,
introspect and think about all the things you said and did. Not only is it a
good way to self-inspect yourself but Rewinding and thinking about your day has
been proven to cause sleep. You can also inculcate the habit of writing in a
personal journal. Make sure it is a physical journal and not an online one
since you probably know by now that no gadgets are allowed in the bedroom.